SQL Monitor with IBX
(too old to reply)
2005-07-19 00:33:41 UTC
Using C++Builder 5 and Interbase 7.1 SP 2.

I am in the process of migrating my Interbase access from the BDE to the
IBX tools. On the IDE menu I can select Database->SQL Monitor. This
has helped me find large quantities of useless data that I have been
requesting. But it does not show me any calls that I make via the IBX
components. I can monitor the database from IBConsole but do not get a
good picture of the data flowing across to my application like SQL
Monitor does. Is there a tool for monitoring connections made with the
IBX components?
Jeff Overcash (TeamB)
2005-07-19 01:19:08 UTC
Post by Steve
Using C++Builder 5 and Interbase 7.1 SP 2.
I am in the process of migrating my Interbase access from the BDE to the
IBX tools. On the IDE menu I can select Database->SQL Monitor. This
has helped me find large quantities of useless data that I have been
requesting. But it does not show me any calls that I make via the IBX
components. I can monitor the database from IBConsole but do not get a
good picture of the data flowing across to my application like SQL
Monitor does. Is there a tool for monitoring connections made with the
IBX components?
The Database->SQL Monitor is a BDE only tool. IBX has its own SQLMonitor
component and you can easily write a monitoring app and turn on the trace flags
in your app at the IBDatabase level.
Jeff Overcash (TeamB)
(Please do not email me directly unless asked. Thank You)
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher
a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build
a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act
alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for
insects. (RAH)
2005-07-19 17:37:21 UTC
I guess I am missing something here. I created a new application and
dropped the TIBSQLMonitor onto it. I set event to send the EventText to
a TMemo. I have all the trace flags set to true and the monitor
Enabled. I compile and run.

Then in my database appliation I set all the trace flags to true on my
TIBDatabase. I compile and run. But I get nothing on the monitor

I wrote the Monitor program in C++Builder 6 and my database application
is written in C++Builder 5.
Post by Jeff Overcash (TeamB)
The Database->SQL Monitor is a BDE only tool. IBX has its own SQLMonitor
component and you can easily write a monitoring app and turn on the trace flags
in your app at the IBDatabase level.
Quinn Wildman
2005-07-20 22:52:35 UTC
Give us what you wrote for the eventtext method. It should be short.
Post by Steve
I guess I am missing something here. I created a new application and
dropped the TIBSQLMonitor onto it. I set event to send the EventText to
a TMemo. I have all the trace flags set to true and the monitor
Enabled. I compile and run.
Then in my database appliation I set all the trace flags to true on my
TIBDatabase. I compile and run. But I get nothing on the monitor
I wrote the Monitor program in C++Builder 6 and my database application
is written in C++Builder 5.
Post by Jeff Overcash (TeamB)
The Database->SQL Monitor is a BDE only tool. IBX has its own SQLMonitor
component and you can easily write a monitoring app and turn on the trace flags
in your app at the IBDatabase level.
2005-07-20 23:18:02 UTC
void __fastcfall TMainForm::xMonitorSQL(AnsiString EventText,
TDateTime EventTime)
xOutput->Lines->Add( EventText );

I do not seem to even be getting blank lines.
